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(206) 783-1828
7352 15th Ave NW Seattle, Wa.

Denture Cleaning & Denture Care

Accusmile Denture offers free denture cleaning! Feel free to stop by and we will clean your dentures while you wait.

Denture Care
To help your dentures last - and keep them looking and fitting their best - follow these denture care tips:
  • Clean your dentures every day inside and out using a denture brush and cleanser solution.
  • Use a brush with soft bristles, lukewarm water and denture - cleaning solution or mild soap.
  • Always clean your dentures over a basin of water or towel to avoid breakage.
  • Leave your dentures out, preferably overnight, to rest your gums and maintain healthy tissues.
  • Keep your dentures moist or store them in a denture-cleaning solution when you aren't wearing them to prevent them from drying out and changing shape. For example, submerge them in a glass of water while you sleep.
  • Avoid eating hard candies such as mints. They will prematurely wear the teeth on your dentures.
  • Bring any spare dentures on trips in the event of a mishap.
  • Never try to adjust your dentures yourself.

Your Dentures require Professional attention when the teeth:

  1. Are worn and no longer cut well through food.
  2. Cause you discomfort or pain.
  3. Make you look older.
  4. Are loose in your mouth.

For more information or to receive a free consultation, please contact us today!

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